Sunday, December 18, 2011

Memory Lane... A Holiday Tradition

This time of year always makes me think of years gone by and the people who have come in and out of my life. Maybe it is the receiving of Christmas cards from high school and college friends, the posting of pictures on Facebook of something from my past or the current and fresh goodbyes that stir memories of "the good ole days." This time of year is just notorious for taking me on a walk down memory lane.

It starts around Thanksgiving when the first Christmas card I receive every year is from my friend Sara who was my best friend growing up. I smile as I see her cute, growing girls, but then I am reminded of the passing years and how the only thing that connects Sara and I now is one card a year followed by possibly a brief conversation via text. I often think "how does this happen?"

Then I hear the music of Christmas past from a church cantata long ago or see pictures of the church I grew up in all decorated at Christmas time (it was always beautiful), and once again, I think, "where have the years gone?" I loved the church I grew up in. I always felt loved and a sense of belonging. In fact, I have fond memories of playing "hide and seek" with my sister and church friends while our parents decorated that church for Christmas. We were always the first to see the beauty of the Christmas season within that church building when all of the hard work was done. (Of course, I had it easy back then... I didn't have to do any of the work!)

As I said goodbye to a dear friend/co-worker last week (who is headed for a great job opportunity), I can't help but think about "the good ole days with Christine." Once again, another change in life that may have me traveling down memory lane every now and then. Like many others, Christine has impacted my life, and as this time of year always does, I am sure next year I will think about our friendship and think "wow, I can't believe it has been a year since Christine has been gone!" I know that I will keep in touch with Christine, but it still will not be the same when I don't see her every week.

Needless to say, I have learned a lot through the years as I have had many people and places come in and out of my life. I have learned the importance of taking time to remain in contact with the people that make me who I am. I don't always have the opportunity to pour a lot of time into keeping relationships at the type of level that I prefer (my love language is quality time), but sometimes a text or two is enough to show that I still care and appreciate the ways that people have impacted my life.  Plus, it is a great reminder to treasure the present moments and the people that surround me right now, because it may become "the good ole days" before I know it!

If you are reading this, you have most definitely impacted my life and made some "good ole days" memories for me. Just know that I cherish the way each and every one of you have impacted my life, and I hope that you take some time to take a stroll down "memory lane" this holiday season and cherish the "good ole days!"

Friday, December 9, 2011

Holiday Card

We have opted not to do a Christmas card this year due to the craziness of our lives right now. We also figure that with blogs and facebook we keep you updated fairly regulary. I'm sure we'll get back into the swing of things next year. For now, enjoy the card below, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Berry Merry Frame Holiday Card
Create modern holiday cards with your photos at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ahhhh... Sweet Communication

As with all toddlers, yesterday was another day of firsts! Our conversation (Yes, I said CONVERSATION!) went like this:

Me: Bailey are you hungry?
Bailey: Eat!
Me: Do you want juice or water?
Bailey: Juice.
Me: OK. Walk over to your seat, and I'll put you in it.

As I round the corner into the dining room, I am still wondering if she is following my instructions. When her chair came into sight, there she was standing beside it! At this point, I am wondering whether to celebrate or follow through with my end of the deal and put her in her seat.

Though communication brings on a whole new area of challenges, I am so ready for it. Playing a guessing game is... for lack of a better term... getting old! As adults, we struggle communicating with each other, so I know it won't always be easy. I am hoping I'll learn something as Bailey opens more doors for communication over the coming weeks and years. And lets be honest, she'll probably tell you a few of our secrets in the meantime. Bring it on!!!