Friday, June 22, 2012

Thoughts from a First Time Potty Trainer

I took the plunge a week ago yesterday to start potty training Bailey. I kept going back and forth about it because she isn't two yet, and I didn't want to make it any harder than it was already going to be. At the same time, she had shown interest in using the potty for a while and even talked a lot about it. Once she started telling me when she would go, I figured that it was time for me to be ready to just do it.

In reality, that was the biggest obstacle... I just wasn't ready to train my little girl to use the potty. Yes, it will be nice to not have the expense of diapers, but it gives your child a new form of independence. Yes, I want my children to use the potty. Yes, I want them to be independent. I just didn't think it would happen this fast! Anyhow, I think having another one on that way that will need to go through all of the same stages Bailey has gone through has helped me not to be too sad about her newfound independence!

So, what is potty training like and how is it going???? IT IS EXHAUSTING, FULL OF HIGHS AND LOWS AND EXHILARATING!!!! It is exhausting having to constantly monitor Bailey for signs that she has to go to the bathroom then make sure she gets there in time. As an example, Bailey successfully went potty at least 25 times in the first 3 days of potty training... what human being uses the bathroom that often??? (I guess the stickers were a good incentive.) It has its highs when Bailey goes a full day without accidents or makes it through a nap or the night completely dry, but the lows come when she has an accident and pees outside of a local produce market right in front of the free popcorn samples. Mostly, potty training is truly exhilarating!!! We have had numerous celebrations that consist of dance parties, stickers and suckers.

Last night was the first night that she has stayed completely dry through the night. I have had many feelings (through the lows mostly) about waiting another month or two and trying again; however, this morning when she woke up dry it solidified that Bailey really was ready to do this. Now that the first week it behind us, I definitely do not want to start over! Bailey is truly becoming a potty rockstar, and I am proud of her newfound independence!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The first band-aid...

The first band-aid is the hardest for mom, but the funnest for the child...

Bailey was in tears after shutting her finger in the screen door, but the tears quickly vanished once I showed her the princess band-aids I had bought!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I finally got around to making my own laundry detergent after my stockpile of laundry detergents from couponing ran out. My co-worker, Monica Bear, first told me about making laundry detergent many months ago and the cost savings that it had. After my sister-in-law, Heidi, started making it, she told me how easy it was to make, and I became even more intrigued.

I only needed to buy 3 ingredients: Fels-naptha soap, Borax and Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda. I also purchased a 5 gallon bucket as well as a cool little mixer that connects to my drill.

I probably spent approximately $15 to get started. Everything but the Fels-naptha soap will last me for over 10 gallons of laundry detergent!!!

The hardest part for me was dissolving the Fels-naptha soap over medium-heat on the stove. I don't know if I just wasn't patient enough, but I had it on the stove for quite a while and it still had small chunks of soap in it when I mixed it. I don't think it will hurt the end product, and it's something to work on next time.

My favorite part was using my drill and mixer to stir. So easy, and worth the purchase!

Then I had to cover it and let it sit over night.

After it sat over night, it turned into a gel-like substance. I stirred it and poured it into an old laundry detergent container and milk jugs - filling each container/jug with 1/2 of the detergent and 1/2 water.

The fruits of my labor - a tad shy of 5 gallons of laundry detergent.

I used the recipe off of the the Duggar's website to make my laundry detergent. I have a front loader that needs a detergent with low suds (this is basically no suds), and this worked great in my washing machine. Here is the link if you are interested in making it:

In the future, I will add scent to the detergent, but I wanted to make sure I could successfully make it before buying any scented oils. I definitely recommend scented oils. Although my laundry is clean, it lacks that familiar, fresh scent that I am used to.