Scott and I came up with a New Year's Resolution to do together. Our resolution is to get back on the Dave Ramsey envelopes and start doing monthly budgets again. We were very good at this before we had a child, but since I am the "master budgeter" in our family, it has gone by the wayside with being a mom, working part-time and going to school. Needless to say, I lost my commitment to the whole budgeting process in the last year or so. I am even going to try and pick up my couponing skills again, but that is just a "sub-goal" to our resolution!!! :) God has truly blessed Scott and I, and we always want to be good stewards of what He has given us! It's like Dave Ramsey says... "Live like no one else, so you can GIVE like no one else!"
2012 will also bring my graduation from grad school!!! Though I am excited to be done, I am already contemplating my next steps. Scott tells me I just need to relax for a while, but the thought of not replacing school with something else makes a busy person nervous! The ending of one long-term commitment always means the ending of a chapter in life and the start of a new unknown chapter. Though new chapters can be exciting, I tend to make them scary with my "planning" tendencies. Maybe this time I'll learn and I will just take some time to relax (besides I could blog more).
I got the title for this blog from our church service today. FULLY COMMITTED is the slogan that my church family will be pursuing and living by in 2012. Here is an excerpt from a letter from our pastor: "What if every follower of Christ was FULLY COMMITTED in 2012? What if we were FULLY COMMITTED to our marriages, and FULLY COMMITTED to our families, and FULLY COMMITTED to our church? What if we lived with an "ALL IN" attitude with our integrity, and giving, and serving, and worship, and praying, and witnessing? I think we would see a move of God that is unmistakable, and unprecendented." Powerful questions and words!
When I finish my blogs, I sometimes feel like my thoughts have been all over the place; therefore, so have my words. I guess what I am trying to say is that my ultimate New Year's Resolution is that I want to be FULLY COMMITTED in 2012 with our family's resources and my next steps. More importantly, I want to be FULLY COMMITTED to my God, my family, my church, my job, my school work, and my unkowns that 2012 will bring!
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