So, I am one of those people that love a good labor story. I used to think it was weird, but I know a lot of people will get enjoyment out of this blog. (Yes, I am talking about my MVNU girls!) I also want to remember the day of Ethan's arrival while it is still somewhat fresh in my memory. He is almost 3 weeks old, so I figured I better get on it.
I woke up at 4 a.m. on September 12 thinking that I was sweating profusely and for my third trip to the bathroom of the night. I didn't think much of it other than the fact that it was another annoying pregnancy symptom so I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I then realized my underwear was soaked, but the pants I was wearing weren't wet at all. I thought it was odd and started to question whether my water broke. Of course, my water never broke with Bailey so I had no idea what to expect if it did. It is also my luck that it was just a trickle and not a gush. I started to realize it probably was my water breaking when a wet substance still trickled down my leg even after my third trip to the bathroom. This back and forth questioning as to whether my water broke went on for a good hour.
At 5 a.m. I texted my sister because I knew that she would be getting up for a run. She told me I better go to the hospital so that they can check to see if it was my water breaking. I showered and then woke Scott up at 5:30. I told Scott we didn't need to rush but that I thought my water broke. My mother-in-law came over to stay with Bailey and we took off to the hospital around 6 a.m. I was supposed to work that day so I had to tell my boss and my babysitter that I wouldn't be going to work. As I sent those texts, I prayed I wouldn't have to call them all and tell them "False alarm! I just peed my pants!" Luckily, it was the real thing, but I was concerned about that.
When we got to the hospital they verified that my water did break. I wasn't having consistent contractions and they gave me until 11 a.m. to start progressing on my own. I also learned that if your water breaks they want to have the baby out within 12 hours. I didn't progress on my own so at 11 a.m. they gave me pitocin. I was borderline mordified of pitocin because of the horror stories I have heard, but I clinged to the fact that once I got going Ethan would be here in no time... and that is basically what happened.
The pitocin kicked in around 12:30 p.m. and things started moving. At 1:15 they started putting my epidural in. Gotta be honest... I wish I wouldn't have gotten one. I always thought people that didn't get them were crazy, but my back still feels achy from it almost 3 weeks later. I was just so back and forth about it and if I was going to be in labor all day I wanted one. In true Lauren form though, as soon as they got the epidural in I started telling the nurse that I had to push. (So much for the help of an epidural at this point. I probably did get some relief from the epidural, but I feel like I still felt everything.) I had to wait through a few more contractions to push because I wasn't fully dilated. Once I was fully dilated, I pushed through 2 or 3 contractions and Ethan was out at 2:33 p.m.

It amazes me how different labor was with Bailey and Ethan. One thing that was similar was that Ethan's heart rate kept dropping just like Bailey's did. Bailey came so fast that it wasn't as big of a deal, but I had to wear an oxygen mask with Ethan to keep his heart rate up. I was very nervous that they were going to wheel me in for an emergency c-section at any second because of his heart rate. Luckily, he came out on his own crying and healthy.
I fell in love instantly! It's amazing how you can love two people so much!