Friday, September 9, 2011

Teeth Matters

Scott had to travel to Lynchburg, VA this week for work, so it was just me and Bailey this week. Before having a child, I looked forward to the day when I'd have a companion while Scott was away; however, it's A LOT of work!!! Scott did not leave until Tuesday because of Labor Day. Normally, that would be nice, except now he doesn't return until midnight tonight (which is Friday night).

When I think about this past week, one word (or object) seems to have taken over our lives... TEETH! Somehow I made it through an entire work day with three hours of sleep as well as countless hours of fussiness followed by soothing and cuddling (not that that part is hard at all). In these moments, I tend to be more thankful for my mom and all she did for me. It also makes me thankful for a husband that shares the load (and who will definitely take the morning shift tomorrow morning). :)

Bailey now has four teeth and two or three on their way. She won't let me look in her mouth for very long, so I am having a hard time counting an exact number. I'd love to share a picture, but that's not going to happen this week either.

Running was our reprieve this week. I wanted to keep up with my training schedule for the Columbus half marathon in October, so I took Bailey in the jogging stroller with me. Usually, my running time is my "me" time, but this week it was even more special than that. Being able to bring Bailey along while I was running was soothing for both of us. She loved it, and my favorite hobby distracted her from her teeth for a while. We both got fresh air as well as exercise. I look forward to the day when Bailey will possibly want to run beside me instead of in the stroller in front of me.

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